What this Blog Is About

As a student of Food Justice and Community Activism I hope to share what I discover out in the field within in this BLOG in hopes that readers may find ways to connect into the various grass-roots efforts for food security and sustainability in the greater Pittsburgh area. Also, Check out the coalition workspace at www.pghfood.pbworks.com and help the collaboration continue!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween with GTECH Strategies

"Growth Through Education + Community Health " is GTECH Strategies, a non-profit organization in Pittsburgh Dedicated to environmental and social justice through vacant lot reclamation and a green economy for everyone. Through community empowerment, green economy policy advocacy and "green" growth, the group makes it claim to fame by growing sunflowers in what would otherwise be abandoned urban lots. Learn more about this stellar group: www.gtechstrategies.org

This past Halloween weekend I was invited by Mo Copeland, GTECH's Community Programs Manager to join the group and other community activists to harvest this seasons sunflower batch. The beginning of the day started at the East Liberty project behind Peabody High school with volunteers of all ages from Pittsburgh Cares and Grow Pittsburgh. Then, later in the afternoon at the Uptown project with the Clean and Green Uptown youth empowerment and advocacy group. It was a beautiful reminder to see the dedication this community has and the diversity in groups that GTECH is able to bring together through it mission.

The sunflowers, aside from bringing a cheerful and beautiful landscape to Pittsburgh urban, do a lot for soil beneath that has seen the harmful effects of human use and industrial building one too many times. The flowers are known for removing toxins from soil and providing replenishment. The flowers also, at harvest, can be used for biofuel increasing green innovative technology and resilience in the community.

GTECH reclaims vacant land to be used for economic green growth and community development. Many of the lots GTECH has revitalized are today being used as community garden and gathering spaces. The organization partners itself with many other non-profit groups and community development groups in the area to help strengthen community, local economy and the environment. The group has seen nation wide recognition and collaboration and has even been invited to the white house to be recognized as a "national model for green innovation and community transformation". GTECH is an excellent model for this community and offers unique ways of collaborations between many walks of activism associated with the environment, the community, the economy and sustainable systems.

The New Era

Watch my friend Jeremy Royce's adventure across country documenting non-profit organizations dedicated to grass roots organizing, social justice and sustainability. Jeremy visits various cities across the country to see how different people are taking on the change and the "Yes We Can" model.